Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm Here!

After months of planning and support raising, days of waiting for my visa (which felt like years), and hours spent vacuum sealing my clothes so they would fit in ONE suitcase, I have made it to West London where I will be living and learning among South Asians while working with a church for the next 15 months. I'm excited to be here, but it also feels a bit surreal - especially since I haven't seen it rain once since I've been here (two weeks!). But also surreal in the sense that I have been looking forward to this for so long, and now that I'm here there are just too many emotions to process. It's especially hard leaving behind my friends and family in the States, but I know that that is forcing me to rely on Jesus as my closest friend and grow stronger as a child of God.

Had some awesome Indian food at Mirch Masala in Southall last week. FANTASTIC curry. It's like they just find excuses to put cilantro in everything. My mouth is watering just writing about it. =)

Anyway, I'll be updating this blog somewhat periodically with thoughts and pictures. Please check back!

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