Would he be the guy I don't want to hang out with because he's always steering the conversation to something serious? The guy who makes me feel judged or inadequate? Would I feel like I need to watch what I say and do and joke about and what I wear and hesitate before ordering a beer at a restaurant because this guy might be one of the friends who doesn't drink and he might think less of me or I might be making him "stumble" or he might say he doesn't mind, but he'd be judging me anyway?
Throughout all of scripture I don't think there is one instance of someone feeling judged when they interact with Jesus. Even the woman at the well, whose life is completely exposed by Jesus' words doesn't feel judged. Christ makes it's clear he is not cool (to say the least) with sin, but he came to redeem the world not to condemn it (John 3:17).
So Jesus would not be out to make me feel lousy. I realize this - and I've got plenty of sin to do that anyway. But when I think of Jesus in a positive light, he still seems to take the form of a counselor, a mentor, a caring older brother. And that's beautiful, but I limit him by thinking that every time we would hang out he would immediately go super deep and we'd have to talk about my issues or talk about cosmic life and death ethical matters.
What if most of the time we spent together we were just being. Living life together. Isn't that what you want in a true friend? Can Jesus be my Lord, my savior, my closest counselor, and also the guy I call up to help me move a couch? Somehow I've developed a false understanding of Jesus. One that says he is too busy and too important to help me move furniture or pick me up from the auto shop. Like using a diamond for a doorstop or paying your therapist by the hour to help you garden, it just seems irresponsible and petty to ask GOD to drive you to the airport or grab coffee with you.
But that's what he wants to do. He enjoys us because he is good, not because it's his job. Nobody wants a lover that's not a friend or a counselor that doesn't actually care about you. The warm embrace of Jesus the lover and the wisdom of Jesus the counselor are made immensely sweeter and more genuine because Jesus is also our friend. The only true, faithful, and unconditional friend.